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Pirouettes of the Absent Mind:The Nocturnal Circus
Riverside Arts Festival- 2015
Klondike Institue of Art and Culture.
Pirouettes of the Absent Mind :The Nocturnal Circus, is a performance that will take place in a space of complete darkness. Dawson City's KIAC ballroom will be transformed into a kind of void; reacquainting Yukoners of the midnight sun, with night and the Unknown.
The dark space becomes the shared cerebral-matter of both the performers and audiences mind with performances that animate the dreams, anxieties, fears, fantasies and neurotic tendencies that manifest in engaging with the physical world.
Performers will guide participants in an engaging experience of the absurd; inspired by vaudeville and a Lynch-ian aesthetic.The ballroom becomes both winter and the recession into the mind. Playful monologues and music animate the insecurities of winters approach and the absent-minded ness of summer.
Art Matters festival,
"Menagerie for Hair & Wood"
@ La Baraque, Montreal
Shadow/Memory is a performance that poses questions regarding nationhood and settler history.
Performing on stilts Nina embodies the elongated form of the shadow.
The shadow, when freed from the body, attempts to trace its silhouette striving to be remembered, attempting to leave a mark. Teetering between the past and present the shadow is a symbol of those shrouded narratives that are overlooked in the blinding light of privileged truths.
Tracing it's ephemeral form the shadow rebels in silence swiftly sketching itself to the wall. Making a mark in the present, to not be forgotten.
Watch on Vimeo

For The Forest Under The Snow: Animal Choir
Art Matters Festival, Performed with the Footnotes Collective, Montreal, @ La Plant 2012
For the Forest under the Snow: Animal Choir, was an interactive evening of performance put on by the Footnotes Collective at La Plant, in Montreal.
With trees dangling upside down from the rafters,the space was tranformed into the thriving underbelly of winter, the world under the snow; the dark, confused space of life, waiting.
The character's in this world, the animals who've missed their migration, attempt to find meaning in a seamingly winter wasterland.
A series of skits, shadow, video, projections, a string quartet and drag animate and investigate the left-overs of humanity, scrounging over the relics and narratives of existence-anything to ease the existential torment of these forgotten animals.

Montreal Fringe Fest 2011, Art Spends the Night,
Performed as Member of Footnotes Collective
Performing under the stars, on the shore of Lake Magog, Off-Fringer's are invited to an evening of outdoor spectacle at Montreal Fringe Festival's Art Camp!
Footnotes collective will be performing Evo(illusion), a performance that tugs and tear at the veil of daylight perception and suspend dreams in bedsheets. Examine the evolutionary space that exists between the conscious and the unconscious, between dream and reality through shadow shows, movement & dance.
Join us on the beach with the twinkling lights.